Flagship Workshops

Catalogue of premier workshops related to collective healing that use experiential exercises to help you and your community be in fuller relationship with this time of change.

Collective Healing Circles

Emotional processing and relational skills

Participants process changes in the world and changes within themselves through meditation, storytelling and resonance practice.

Skill Development: Processing emotions + self-awareness + empathy-building + active listening

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Creative Visions for our Collective Future: What will the world look like if we achieve the SDGs?

Envisioning the future and diversity of thought

Participants explore the diversity of philosophies, beliefs and assumptions that underpin their perspectives on sustainable development through reflection and open dialogue about achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Skill Development: creative reflection + self-awareness + intuition + worldview analysis + communication skills + exploration of diversity + community building

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Our Earth, Our Home: Aligning your Living with your Values

Defining your values and making a plan on how to better live them

Through honest self-reflection and supportive community, participants connect with themselves and define the values they seek to live in the world, as well as create a personal plan of action for how to do so with more integrity.

Skill Development: Taking action + accountability + reflection + self-awareness

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Answering the Call: How to Follow the Thread of Purpose in a Changing World

Personal purpose in a changing world

Participants connect with their unique calling by cultivating a relationship with their inner wisdom that helps them navigate a complex, changing world.

Skill Development: Self-guided direction + applied intuition + deepened relationship with self

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About the Facilitator: Liz Moyer, MPA-DP

A facilitator, mentor and practitioner with over ten years of experience in the international sustainable development field. Healing - at the personal and collective levels - is at the center of her work. That's why she has combined her passion for sustainable development with her passion for healing to offer programs that take a holistic approach to equipping people with the tools they need to make a lasting difference in the world. She uses her background in education for sustainable development to create learning opportunities that combine cutting-edge techniques in socioemotional learning, psychology and transformational learning.



As someone deeply concerned about climate change, We Heal for All helped me to process and share my emotions in an open and safe environment. Liz has an incredible ability to create space and build community where individuals feel supported, connected and comfortable sharing their feelings about the uncertainty of our collective future. These discussions serve as a reminder that connection and compassion are crucial elements of the foundation for human prosperity.
— Andy Rose, Environmental Innovators
Every choice I make, the products I buy, the transportation I use, whether I shut off the lights - all of it is overwhelming. Joining Liz and those in the Climate Circle was such a necessary experience of resonating with like-minded people and knowing that I am not alone in this struggle.
— Audrey McCalley, MPH, Climate change practitioner


Let’s Talk

Are you interested in collaborating or bringing a We Heal for All workshop to your community, university or place of work? Send me a message below. I’d love to talk.