Meet The Featured Companies

Companies that are trailblazing sustainable, ethical business practices that we’re lucky to feature in our Supply Shop and be in relationship with


Local Women’s Handicrafts

A fair trade, eco-conscious collective of women, creating unique fashion and decor in Nepal. Jobs in community are created for marginalized and disadvantaged women to gain independence. Our production facility teaches professional skills in fiber crafts, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

Our comprehensive model supports the whole woman so she can feel safe, experience self-value and heal from trauma. Our focus is on ethical fashion, we model sustainability by collaborating with local farmers and small businesses. With the support of a dedicated and passionate team, we have established a safe community that’s changed hundreds of lives. We are determined to continue building resilient and self-sustaining communities of smart, empowered women.

Learn more about their mission

Watch this beautiful video

Meet the Founder, Nasreen Sheik. Hear her inspiring story from child laborer to social entrepreneur.

Mountain Rose Herbs

High quality organically grown herbs and spices, teas, essential oils, & botanical goods.

"Sustainability" isn't just a buzzword here. It's a way of life.

We put people, plants, and planet before profit with everything we do: from sourcing organic botanicals, to cleaning up the wetlands and rivers near our campus, to becoming the first zero-waste-certified business in Oregon, USA.

Learn about the trailblazing sustainable business principles they practice.

Meet Shawn Donnille, owner, CEO and environmental activist.